Personal contact with each other and a direct line to members at the site, in the region, in Germany, Austria, Italy and Switzerland.
- Pinboard - Search - Offer - Exchange - Gift

Pooling of interests
- Purchasing benefits
- Marketing and sales network
- Innovation, know-how transfer
- Business cooperation

- Benchmarkday – central BFW congress
- Entrepreneur Meetings
- Experts talks
- Regional location Exchange in interest/local groups

Further education
Azubi Academy
- Initiative for cross-company training of apprentices.
- Adressed to all professions, regardless of the year of training. Therefore, any member of the region who trains and is willing to participate can take part. The supplementary lessons are held by entrepreneurs who take turns to work with the young people in joint workshops and impart skills and knowledge.

Country representation
Members of BFW benefit from free assistance with country-specific questions in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy.